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[MASSIVEMENT SPOILER] Towers of Midnight
(Sujet créé par Demiandre l 20/10/10 à 12:40)
non favori

Tout sur ToM. le prologue, le chapitre 8, les chapitres previews, le bouquin complet.

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29/09/2010 20:37
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Ben moi pas decu du tout. Apres toutes les pistes et fausses pistes de RJ sur le personnage, ben je suis content q'elle ai un autre role a jouer. J'avais plus ou moins predit comment elle allait survivre. Mais c'est vrai que la je pouvais pas tomber juste. Aucune chance de prevoir tout ca^^ hate de savoir ce qu'il va se passer pour Galad, et aussi le role final de Fain dans toute cette histoire. (J'ai meme une nouvelle theorie sur lui et l'attaque du manoir d'Algarin dans KoD)

Edit : Iulust, les balises sont pas active pour les tomes 13 et 14. Et vu que le sujet est precise avec spoiler, ne t'en fais pas.
Valère l'Ogier
02/10/2010 00:49

Le chapitre un, Apples first, est dispo chez Tor et Orbit.

Bonne lecture!
02/10/2010 00:53
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Zut tu m'as devancé! A quelques minutes pres!

J'ai trouve le chapitre incroyable. Cela augure de bonnes choses pour la suite. Et en meme temps implique beaucoup pour la suite. Bluffe. Totallement...
Valère l'Ogier
02/10/2010 08:49

A ton avis, qui est "she" que Rand va voir? Egwene?
02/10/2010 10:38
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Bien sur, il y a plusieurs mentions de Tar Valon, et il descend de Dragonmount. En plus, il ne l'a paq vue depuis qu'il l'a espionnee dans le T'A'R avant qu'elle parte a Salidar. Avec ses effets de Ta'veren, je n'imagine meme pas les "degats" qu'il va faire dans la tour...
02/10/2010 13:11

Il peut s'agir de Min lorsqu'il va lui révéler comment il doit mourir !!!
02/10/2010 15:33
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Nan, il a maintenant le Modjo de la lumiere. Il a trouve un nouveau chemin, il semble avoir reussi a applanir les montagnes de son devoir. Il a retrouve la vue sur son destin.
02/10/2010 21:51

Ce chapitre est tout simplement énorme.
Mais qu'est-ce que le temps va être long jusqu'au 02 novembre

Sinon d'accord avec Demiandre sur le "she".
Par contre il n'y a pas pas Mesaana qui traine dans le coin?
Valère l'Ogier
02/10/2010 22:24

Pas sûr que Mesaana soit encore dans le coin. Elle a été légèrement maltraitée par SH pour avoir désobéi à Moridin, et depuis il ne me semble pas qu'on l'ait revue... et en plus, avec la purge de l'Ajah Noire qu'a réussi Egwene, je ne pense pas qu'elle ait eu envie de rester dans le coin.
02/10/2010 22:38
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Si. Je pense justement que sa peur de desobeir a nouveau la force a rester dans la Tour. Elle a annonce apporter une Tour brisee, des canalisatrices alliees a leur cause volontairement ou non. Elle doit etre terrifiee de pas pouvoir faire ce qu'elle a promi. Je pense qu'un petit peu de Mesaana qui fait du bon boulot, aussi etonnant que Graendal dans le prologue, serait dement.
03/10/2010 22:40

Ce premier chapitre était excellent, car montrant un aspect positif de Rand, ce qui n'était pas arrivé depuis très très longtemps.

L'épisode m'évoque 2 choses : le côté arthurien, avec le rois pêcheur (l'état d'esprit de Rand influe sur le monde autour de lui) et un côté mythe grec, avec un dieu de la fertilité qui apparaîtrait à un paysan.

En tout cas, ce genre de point de vue extérieur donne vraiment l'impression que Rand n'est plus un être humain, mais déjà une figure mythique.
Il est probable que le même phénomène s'était produit pour LTT.

03/10/2010 22:52
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Je prefere appeler ca le Modjo. C'est plus classe^^
04/10/2010 16:42

Il était où Almen, je ne m'en souviens plus, durant la fuite de mat et Rand?
04/10/2010 17:38

je crois qu'almen est le paysan qui a remorqué mat et rand sur sa charette pour les amener a caemlyn. C'est aussi lui qui donnait les premiers indices sur qui pouvait bien être la vraie mère de Rand.

Sinon, je crois qu'on a appris dans quel rôle s'est glissé Demandred...
04/10/2010 18:07
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Sinon, je crois qu'on a appris dans quel rôle s'est glissé Demandred...

Almen Blunt? Ou son frère James?
Oui c'est bien le paysan qui a conduit Mat et Rand à Caemlyn, et participé aux affrontements durant la manifestation.
05/10/2010 09:49

Demandred c'est Amel Bent?

Non, sans rire, j'ai rien vu sur Demandred moi
05/10/2010 09:58
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

Demandred c'est Amel Bent?

Non, sans rire, j'ai rien vu sur Demandred moi

07/10/2010 10:14

Voilà une review de Dragonmount. Voilà, j'ai les larmes aux yeux et les frissons... Aaaaahhhh


[Begin minor spoilers. Some of you will think these aren't true spoilers, and some of you will complain if I don't label them. So I'm playing it safe.]

In TGS, the primary focus of the book was on Rand and Egwene. It was that intense focus on their dramatic character arcs that made me love that novel so much. Although Rand and Egwene have some important roles to play in ToM, the primary focus shifts over to Mat and Perrin. Perrin has a wonderful arc in this book, even if it is just a tad slow to initially get going. (But hey, nobody ever said anything in WoT was fast, eh? Just chew your food and savor the taste). This is balanced by the fact that Perrin probably has the most action in the book. Well, except for poor Ituralde. The man just can't catch a break can he?

Chief among the aspects of this book that I loved is our favorite gambler. I'm happy to report that Mat is back. In a big way. I give Brandon a lot of credit for listening to feedback from fans who thought Mat's character voice was somewhat "off" in TGS. We'll never know how much of the book was personally written by Robert Jordan before he died, and how much was written by Brandon, but the point is that Mat not only sounds right in most of his chapters, but he is in his finest form. Quite simply, Mat redefines the very meaning of Awesome in this book. He's funny, but in a less slapstick way like he was in TGS. His internalized sarcastic humor is contrasted by the fact that he just bloody cares too much about people around him, and that makes him the old Mat we all know and love.

(If you haven't already heard, you can read the first Mat viewpoint chapter from ToM right here on Dragonmount)

I won't tell you what the best parts of the book were, of course, but I'll tell you that two of them were so good, they'll just shred you to pieces emotionally. Both of them are completely unexpected, and they happen to occur in a series of three back-to-back-to-back chapters. (Well, in the version I read. They may have been re-ordered since I read it in manuscript form) One of the chapters involved Perrin. And no… She's not involved. It's not what you think. So stop guessing.

The other scene that rocked me to read is one that completely embraces the spirit of the whole series. It's the epitome of what makes The Wheel of Time stand apart from all other fantasy series. To say that I was moved by it is an understatement. After reading it, I honestly began to question whether this story will actually have a happy ending or not. I mean, let's face it. Most of us assume the series will conclude with a victory at the Last Battle, with maybe a few heroic deaths along the way, right? Well this sequence I'm talking about proves that even victory can be disaster. It shows that even the most noble of intentions can have a butterfly-effect ripple across the Pattern. The sequence was beautiful to behold, and that alone makes ToM worth of being on the shelf with your other WoT books.

What else?

Ah yes. If you'll excuse some shameless self-promotion, you need to go watch the Towers of Midnight book trailer. Once you've done that, then we can talk about Her.

Yes that plotline is addressed in ToM. But not in any way that resembles the video linked above. (The video was produced before I read the actual book) Some aspects play out as you might expect, but there are a lot of key surprises along the way. I devoured every word, and loved everything to do with it. And of course, it left me wanting more!

One last plot-related item…. Olver. There's a chapter involving him that just breaks my heart. Now maybe it's just me. I'm not talking about a big dramatic scene. (Although it does have another big reveal). Most people might find humor in it. But not me. Maybe I'm just sensitive. Remember what I said earlier about the price of victory? What happens here is both endearing and tragic. On one hand it was logical and inevitable that things would play out this way. On the other hand, I just never saw it coming, and neither will you (not that it will stop you from trying, huh?). I tip my hat to you, Mr. Jordan and Mr. Sanderson. Once again, you've given us a moment that people can debate. For me personally, it'll stick in my gut for a long time.

[END spoilers.]
07/10/2010 10:34
Aelfinn de la Pierre
Modo - Jury des Joutes - Conseil RP

C'est la review de Jason, le créateur de Dragonmount. Je l'avais déjà lu. Et ca me turlupine le truc avec Olver
07/10/2010 10:49

J'ai pleiiin de questions après la lecture de la review sur

Dont voici l'essentiel. L'auteur de la preview nous livre 16 impressions relatives à certains événements, qu'il nous faut deviner:
1. “I totally cannot decide whether to be pleased about this, or kind of freaked out.”
2. “Okay, that may or may not have been quite a Crowning Moment of Awesome for _____, exactly, but that is unquestionably one of the coolest things that has ever happened in this series. All is forgiven, man.”
3. “Is it possible to have a complete seal-clapping moment of YAY, and shriek in utter fannish outrage at the same time? Because I have a feeling I’m about to find out.”
4. “This is suddenly seeming veeery familiar…”
5. “Well, finally, I have only been asking for this for like fifteen years. This is awesome. This is—wait. Uh, what’s going on… what are they… what does that… oh crap.”
6. “Man, it’s like a Barry White song up in here, except hilarious.”
7. “Wow, and just when I thought it wasn’t possible to despise you more. Nice job RUINING EVERYTHING, ____. Gah.”
8. “Oh. Er. So, I totally called that wrong. Am a bit red-faced now.”
9. “Okay, so maybe – maybe – you have redeemed yourself a little bit here, ____. You are provisionally allowed off my shit list. FOR NOW.”
10. “I think this is what they mean when they use the term ‘logical extreme’. About time, really.”
11. “WHAT? That is… that is horrible. No, no, no, no. THAT HAD BETTER NOT HAPPEN, TEAM JORDAN, DO NOT MAKE ME HURT YOU. I need a cookie now. And a hug. I HATE YOU ALL. (But, uh, man. Good writing, right there. I never would have seen that coming in a million years. P.S. I STILL HATE YOU.)”
12. “Well. I was kind of thinking that was going to be a bit more… dramatic. Or at least have a lot more yelling. But, you know. Okay then.”
13. “Holy hell, _____ just had a Moment of Awesome. Of all freakin’ people! I didn’t even think that was possible.”
14. “Oh for the love of Pete, _____, will you please DIE already? What’s it going to take, a nuclear goddamn strike? Sheesh.”
15. “Wait, what the hell just happened? I am so confused. And also, what?”

Bon je me lance:
Lan va probablement mourir et c'est ça le plus triste. Apparemment Olver révèle ses mystères, on découvre le tueur d'Asmodean, Gawyn et Galad vont faire parler d'eux...
Tiens à votre avis qui a tué Asmodean et qui est Olver?
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